Related Ships Reverse-Lookup

United Federation of Planets

U.F.P. and Starfleet

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
Assault Cruiser Imperial   NCC-91888 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Assault Cruiser Majestic   NX-93500 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Assault Cruiser Noble   NCC-91888 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Command Cruiser Concorde   NCC-47401 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Cruiser Excalibur   NCC-94547 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Cruiser Exeter   NCC-1672-C Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Cruiser Vesper   NCC-92109 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Exploration Cruiser Celestial   NCC-92247 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Exploration Cruiser Envoy   NCC-94002 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Exploration Cruiser Monarch   NCC-92247-A Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Exploration Cruiser Venture   NCC-71854-A Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Cruiser Dakota   NX-91211 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Cruiser Resolute   NCC-92317 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Cruiser Stargazer   NCC-2893-A Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Star Cruiser Avenger   NCC-95792 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Star Cruiser Emissary   NCC-96003 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Star Cruiser Vanguard   NCC-94996 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Dreadnaught Venture-X   NCC-97200 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Advanced Escort Cerberus   NX-95560 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Advanced Escort Phoenix   NX-95560 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Blockade Escort Dervish   NX-96010 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Blockade Escort Gryphon   NCC-94950 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Blockade Escort Hermes   NCC-95208 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Blockade Escort Maelstrom   NCC-92210 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Escort Da Vinci   NCC-91620 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Escort Gladius   NX-97200 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Escort Rapier   NCC-94004 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Escort Ushaan   NX-93771 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Escort Armitage   NCC-97300 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Escort Oslo   NCC-79713 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Escort Thunderchild   NCC-63549 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Heavy Escort Zephyr   NX-92880 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Tactical Escort Gallant   NX-93881 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Tactical Escort Sao Paulo   NCC-75633-A Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Tactical Escort Vigilant   NCC-94794 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Deep Space Science Vessel Destiny   NX-95600 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Deep Space Science Vessel Oracle   NCC-95527 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Deep Space Science Vessel Trident   NCC-95581 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Long Range Science Vessel Bellerophon   NCC-62048-A Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Long Range Science Vessel Cochrane   NX-95400 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Long Range Science Vessel Discovery   NCC-91784 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Reconnaissance Science Vessel Polaris   NCC-92515 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Reconnaissance Science Vessel Sol   NCC-89931 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Research Science Vessel Hope   NX-90320 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Research Science Vessel Horizon   NX-94441 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Science Vessel Aurora   NCC-91270 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Science Vessel Quasar   NX-93071 Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Fighter Stalker     Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Runabout Yellowstone     Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Found 49 matching vessels in the database.

Klingon Empire

Klingon Empire

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Battle Carrier Kar'Fi Internet - Star Trek Online No
Carrier Vod'Leh Internet - Star Trek Online No
Battle Cruiser Bortas Revenge Internet - Star Trek Online No
Battle Cruiser Bortasqu' Internet - Star Trek Online No
Battle Cruiser K'Tanco Internet - Star Trek Online No
Battle Cruiser Qu'Daj Internet - Star Trek Online No
Battle Cruiser Tor'Kaht Internet - Star Trek Online No
Battle Cruiser Vor'Kang Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Ch'Tang Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Ki'Tang Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Koloth Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Ning'Tao Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Norgh Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Pach Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout PuyJaq Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Qorgh Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout Quldun Internet - Star Trek Online No
Scout SuQob Internet - Star Trek Online No
Heavy Scout Birok Internet - Star Trek Online No
Heavy Scout Haj Internet - Star Trek Online No
Heavy Scout Hegh'Ta Internet - Star Trek Online No
Heavy Scout Qin Internet - Star Trek Online No
Fighter To'duj Internet - Star Trek Online No
Found 23 matching vessels in the database.

Romulan Star Empire

Romulan Star Empire

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Alternate Universes

Subclass Ship Name Registry Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Obsidian Order

Cardassian Union and Obsidian Order

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Bajoran Militia

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Borg Collective

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Ferengi Alliance

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

The Maquis

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

The Dominion

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Kazon Collective

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Gorn Defense Force

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Science Vessel Phalanx Internet - Star Trek Online No
Fleet Support Vessel Varanus Internet - Star Trek Online No
Support Vessel Dragus Internet - Star Trek Online No
Found 3 matching vessels in the database.

Orion Syndicate

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Flight Deck Cruiser Corsair Internet - Star Trek Online No
Flight Deck Cruiser Dacoit Internet - Star Trek Online No
Flight Deck Cruiser Marauder Internet - Star Trek Online No
Found 3 matching vessels in the database.

Tholian Assembly

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Vulcan Navy

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Support Vessel Tal'Kyr Internet - Star Trek Online No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Other Miscellaneous and
Non-Aligned Races/Organizations

Race Subclass Ship Name Source Official Era
Caitian Carrier Atrox Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Nausicaan Destroyer Scourge Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Nausicaan Destroyer Vandal Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Nausicaan Siege Destroyer Guramba Internet - Star Trek Online No TNG
Found 4 matching vessels in the database.

General Star Trek Bibliography
Read the Star Trek F.A.Q.
Star Trek Chronology
Associated Star Trek Links

Star Trek Eaglemoss Magazines (Acrobat PDF Format)
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